Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 5: Hallway change in process

Yesterday was a "FULL" day. Had our regular Mums and Tots Bible study at home and as soon as they left, drove to the other end of Eindhoven and dropped Elijah at the daycare. Drove to the other side of Eindhoven and went to work. Only 2 hours of work but still was busy with plenty of work. Drove again all the way picked Elijah up, came closer to home and there you have it.. Elijah puked a little bit. So after changing his clothes and cleaning him up, drove to pick up Benjamin. Picked him up and on our way to the swimming pool, for his first lessons, I realized that my packed swimming bag didn't have any swimming trunks. Hmm.. so much for planning and keeping the car ready with things first thing in the morning. On my way back home , Elijah does on of those projectile vomiting stunts and.... need I continue?
Back home and straight into the shower. Finished cleaning him up and had to tell Benjamin that we couldn't make it to his first lesson. He seemed fine about it. After all the drama calmed down he asked if I was ready to go for his swimming lessons. Aww.. I felt bad .. and explained that we could only go next week.
And now, taking on the task of cleaning the car. The car seat was unsalvageable. I managed to get the car seat cloth out but still all the nooks and crannies. Oh my ! there was no use cleaning. Dumped the car seat and finished cleaning the car, not only the affected areas but gave a complete hoover. Once I get into one of these cleaning frenzies .. I go on! To the extend the cleaning moved from the car to the hallway. How did I manage to do that?
Started moving around coat stands and hallway shelfs and reorganizing. After I calmed down , I realized I hadn't fed the kids and they were obviously starved. And almost close to bed time.

Long story... I know.. but the point is the hallway is going through some changes and I will be posting its grand finale soon. Soon.

A before yet to happen make over scene:

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