Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 27: Organizing Kids Toys

Parents get enthusiastic in the name of educating their children and giving them the best. With that enthusiasm come a whole load of toys and educational junk. Most of the times the kids don't even know that a toy exists in his toy box. Too much of anything is not good either.

So how can we manage the "WOW this would be great for John" "He would love it" urge!

1. Children would love to have some wooden blocks. Plain old simple wooden blocks. You would be shocked to know the ways they get creative with it.

2. When there is a birthday and there is a certain toy the child is eyeing, there are a few ways you can deal with it:
a. An older child can save for it

b. Keep a chart of things the child should do around the house, and thus earning a set of stickers to reach the goal of getting the toy.
c. Have the policy of "buy one give away another 2 toys" system. This gets them to see the value in the existing ones and choose not to get the new one.

3. Plain old cardboard, paper plates and cups, toilet rolls can be used to create things.

When you have toys , they can get a little messy with blocks lying all around and I have slipped on a car lying in the kitchen floor. So, for your safety and in the name of organizing:

1.Assign boxes or containers for specific sets of toys, like a box of cars, box for Lego blocks, a box for all the play kitchen set, plates and food.

2. It's never too late to teach organization:Teach your kids to be responsible for their own toys and teach them to put them back in their respective boxes. Since you have containers and designated places for each kind of toy , it will be easier for your children to learn how and where to put toys back in place.

3.Kids should also know that if they take some toys upstairs, it needs to be returned in its box downstairs.

4.Have a regular "check up" for the toys. Throw out those that are broken.

5. Organize the stationary in separate containers. Craft papers in one box

Have fun playing around organizing the toys!

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