Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 20: Tame the paper trail

In this digital world, we still receive so much of paper stuff. Bills, mail, advertisement newspaper, local newspaper, more bills, notices, school papers, work papers. I am 100% with receiving a personal snail mail/card from a friend or relative. Keep that art of letter writing, which is lost in todays time. Well, thats an entirely different post. So, where was I? BILLS.
Every other Tuesday is our day for paper recycling. Other than pizza boxes, and frozen food, I have so much paper that I throw out every two weeks. And the paper I receive just collects on my table in one big pile. Until I have to push them off when a client comes(I work at home).

What can we do to minimize and organize the incoming PAPER?

1. Try to go the digital way if there is an option with your water, gas, electricity companies etc..
2. Immediately file them away in specific trays. See picture below. I have 4 trays. One for home related paper. Another, my company paper. Some paper that I am working on such as half filled form or some paper I am reading and the last tray for final filing in respective files. I have had to add a fifth tray for paper I receive from the school.

3.Throw away any paper (in your paper recycle bin ) that you have read and taken an action and don't need anymore.

4.Keep a basket in the hallway for incoming magazines and newspapers. Throw away newspaper in the next paper recycle day. And keep not more that 3 months of magazine issues in a separate "magazine" basket.

5. I think 4 points is really enough to tame the paper trail!

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