Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 23: Project Attic

I finally started my "Project Attic", because I know now that there is a chance my best friend from Maryland may visit during Christmas. And the Attic room would be the space for her and her husband. But can't call that a room anymore with the junk that has been collecting. I also knew my parents wouldn't be coming this year so the junk piled up.

Where to start....

I started with buying plastic boxes to store all the clothes that my oldest has grown out of.I need to keep it for my second one. They are currently in cardboard boxes and plastic bags not sorted out according to sizes.

Project #1: Sort clothes. Put in size allotted containers.Separate clothes for charity.
Project #2: Make gift wrapping station
Project #3: Arrange tool cupboard
Project #4: Make plans to arrange the attic bedroom.

Now don't gasp! This isn't my attic. Just to show you how things can get messy.
Clearing attic space can be so messy.Dont look at the entire space and get so upset.

1. Have a plan in your mind as to how you want the room to look like.
2. Stick to that idea. Start in small areas and take it one day at a time.
3. Don't start to clear the whole space in one day. You are set to disappointment.
4. Keep an open mind to throwing out things you haven't used in more than one year. If you haven't used it for that long, you don't need it.I don't mean you need to throw out memories of photos or letters.
5. If you are allergic to dust mites, I advise you to wear a mask.

Enjoy your "clearing out projects"!

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