Monday, January 2, 2012


1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most important: visit, comment, encourage the person before you.
This is what Five Minute Fridays are all about!Dive in!


A New Year to start fresh and full of possibilities. Feels like a new school year! New books and a new bag... There is much to thank God for this past year.His provision, His gentle touch, His love and peace.
In this time where people make resolutions, I usually stay away from it, since I know there isn't any point. My resolution was always to not make any! I definitely keep that one!

But my heart moves to make one. A prayer rather. That God opens my mouth to someone about His love and grace. I want to do big things for the Lord. But I fail to see the things He has put in my path. OPEN my eyes to those You put in my path. Give me the courage to OPEN my mouth and pray for someone who isn't a believer.

During this holiday I have been reading Francine Rivers The Mark of the Lion series. I just finished the second book and cried through the last chapter. Hadassah, the main character who is a Christian in the Roman world breaks from her fear of speaking of her Lord.God breaks her free of "fear" in the gladiators arena moments before she is attacked by lions.

Thankfully, I am not living in world where Christians are persecuted for speaking of the Lord. So what stops me from opening my mouth? Its easy to speak to fellow brothers and sisters. Encouraging and teaching them come much easier. But what about those who don't know Him? What about the parents in Benjamin's school? my neighbors? My work place?

My prayer for this year is that I will be able to reflect His love in my life by the things I do and say. I pray for wisdom. I pray for courage to OPEN my mouth when I feel the Spirit nudging me to pray for someone or say a word to someone.



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