Friday, November 16, 2012


Back from a short break..... right into my Five minutes.

You know how it goes. Join me if you can. Say a word or two. Have a read.


I have heard dog owners say"stay""sit" "heel".People comment in light conversation," You are really busy, doing so many things". So I take stock, to see what I am busy with. Usual routine stuff. It does feel that way. But it isn't. I seem to be increasing it to a factor of 5 in my head.

Last weeks word "roots"meant more to me than just the word. Where are my roots? India? Kuwait? or now here, the Netherlands? Are we meant to stay here? How long? Can we buy a house? Can we agree on a house? Is this the best place to raise my kids? Am I doing what He wants me to?

In every quiet time, there is a time to keep silent. Keep still. And listen. A season to hear and listen. And so, the voice says "Stay". In all the words that keep swirling like a hurricane in my mind, this one leaves the swirl and hits somewhere. This one makes sense. And how do I know? It doesn't allow me to move on. Or be the one swirling along. Such is the power of the soft voice.

So I sit still and wait.

Be still, my child........



Friday, October 19, 2012


It's Friday... and here I am .. as hundreds of women will be.... Five Minute Friday hosted by Lisa Jo Baker. Whats the word?



Autumn break was supposed to be "look around the house and do what is required". Well its Friday now and I have just begun to look around at the things that I planned to do since Monday.
What happened?
Well, I was taking the kids out to play areas and for play dates... thats what happened? So I wasn't wasting time.

Can I look around and clear up areas that need clearing up in the next three day, before I start work,again?
Yay! Of course I can!
There will always be "clear up lists"and I dont have to "clear up" the entire 3 days.
The autumn break was for me too and not just for the kids.
Thankfully , not that bad!
Rest is as important to the body and mind as  is a "junk cleared house".

So thats what I am just about to do.
Look around to where my eyes dare go. Clear up. Choose my rest moments wisely.
Its not the end of the world, when stuff hasn't been cleared up.
Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

The welcoming gift

Every Friday, the word is released. It appears on our screen, as we wait for the word, welcoming it to hook on to our hearts and mind. I usually ponder over it throughout out the day and finally write it at the end of the day, or even sometimes Saturday. Today I awoke at 6 am , because I wanted to know what that word was. And swore I would write my 5 minutes worth as soon as I saw it. No pondering, no thinking, no editing, no back spacing , no tracing back and reading it a million times to check the sentence structure... Five minutes of pure unstoppable pouring.
 Welcome to this weeks Five minute Friday....



Those with open hearts usually have an open house. My first experience was when I was doing my Masters. And I entered the open doors of one of our campus churches. I knew quite a few from back home. Acquaintances were  renewed. This couple invited me with open arms into the service 9 years ago.The church was very welcoming. But their home(the couple's), was an open house for students to come in. A place to relax, a place to pour out burdens and struggles, a place to savor her wonderful cooking when one was homesick. Some of us even slept there. When one was sick, we went there and she would care for us. Sometimes, because of exhaustion we slept  in their room. Her poor husband would sleep on the couch.

Some who received more would trample on their love and guidance, some betrayed their trust, some left and never kept in touch. 

But they still continued to pray, guide and love us. They couldn't keep the hurt long enough. That wasn't how they were built. They were built to welcome and care, and give. Their arms were meant for hugging and caring.

They have been spiritual mentors for many. Many still keep in touch. Many still call for guidance. Many have learned to care for others through them. They helped many to recognize their purpose and their gifting. They helped guide many, when it was time to decide on a life partner.

Five minutes isn't enough to pour out here on what they mean to us, what they meant to me.

Their open house, set my heart right with God. Their open arms taught me the true meaning of the open arms nailed to that cross. 

They welcomed us in to their home and into their heart.

Jerry and Blessy, I love you guys and its been an honor to know you. 


(We meet every year when I am in India, and we call, on and off. She usually starts off,blasting me for not calling sooner, and then just begins to pour out her love.)

How it all began

It's been more than a year since I started this blog(September 18,20..)I had to stop and look back at the date to my first entry and it said September 18, 2010. How did two years just go by?

Recovering from the previous line..Phew!

I have been tempted to join Lisa -Jo in the "31 days to Write your story". But the commitment to do that this time was too much of a choice to make. But I had to put in at least a post. To settle the ramblings of my mind during my 30 minute quiet shower at 10 pm. (Note: This usually doesn't happen at all.The shower , I mean.)

How did it all start?

I loved to scribble as a child. It even extended to walls and furniture. Once, after an intense disciplining moment by my mother, the scribbling appeared to stop for a few days. During a cleaning day, when my mom pushed the couch away from the wall to hoover that area, she found out why I had stopped scribbling. The wall behind the couch was scribbled to the maximum. I had to vent it out, apparently.

My brother and I 
I signed my silly signature in every book I had. I labelled them by letters and numbers just like in a library. And I poured over my diary. Which was always locked in my study table. My brother faithfully broke open the lock everyday to read it. I think, I realized he was reading it when he couldn't stop rolling with laughter as he told my mom that I was in love with "Prince Eric" from Disney's Little Mermaid. (Gees.. was I immature or what?). So I stopped writing. And picked it up only in university. But then again carrying all of it from one place to another,  one university to another, proved to be heavy luggage in addition to all the other things I collected over the years.

Then, before I got married, I decided to put an end to all the university diaries with its silliness, secrets and worries by burning them in our "out house" in India where the wood burned. New beginnings... and also to make sure no one read it. I now wonder what the need was to burn it... Dramatics was in high fashion in those days.

I chose not to write anywhere for a long time and it clogged my mind with all the things I wanted to put down on paper. I wasn't the writer in the family. My brother wrote poems and stories. Not me. I barely could get through school. My family called my school education the "continuing saga" . I was forever stationed at my study table.

Blogs came into existence , and I casually read those of friends and strangers and swore that I couldnt possibly convert the ramblings into writing. So, two years ago, I had to vent it out somewhere. And found this space at the right moment to birth.

That stopped after a few posts and rose again when I met this wonderful person in my church called Tracey from "Control the Chaos" then and "Intend to Live" now.  She rekindled that fire that shook those ramblings live again and needed to be written.

I found "Five minute Fridays" through Tracey and this proved to be the best thing ever to systematically and casually, without hesitance, without thinking, to put my thoughts to the screen. And so began my journey with  up's and down's, but oh so joyous!

I am not a writer. But here I am.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Five Minute Friday:Grasp

Five minutes is all I have.... and thats the purpose.
Unedited writing, timed for 5 minutes only.
Michelangelo's painting to me always showed how we strive to reach Him, yet we are not there yet.

A perfect day would start off at 6 am, before the kids could wake up. A " quiet time " true to its name, to enjoy His presence. Time for a shower. Pack lunch bags and work bags.7 am: wake up the kids and finish breakfast by 7:30. Get ready by 7:45. Leave for "drop off's" at day care and school 5 minutes before 8 am. Thats why its called a perfect day. This hardly ever happens. And usually involves nagging ,countdowns, and the live time teller. And of course , something is always forgotten. Especially the quiet times and showers.

No wonder, I cant reach Him.

I am just going in circles and not moving forward.

But Jesus closes that gap between me and the Father and pulls me in with a rope of grace and mercy.Speaking to Him on my behalf.

I can not grasp the idea of the need He has to have a relationship with us. Us? He wants to be our Father. If we love our earthly Father how much more our Maker loves us.

Last night, when we were in our Cell group, a friend explained what our Father does, when we sin, or disobey Him. He first wants to be in a relationship with and enjoy our presence and then discipline us. Thankfully He doesn't strike us down dead at the first instance. Oh! How we could have the privilege of actually walking in the cool of the evening in the garden conversing with our Father.

We still can. In the midst of daily routines.And that I can grasp.


Friday, September 7, 2012


That time of the week.Now, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..



Graceful is a better word than super mum.
A skillful, creative mum is graceful with the things she does. 
Even graceful when its dinner time. Spin to a great tune in your head when a kiddo has split milk. Hopefully a graceful mum can calm down and brace herself for some knee to floor bonding.
A graceful mum has wise words on her lips and an encouraging word at all times. 
A graceful mum also has a listening ear.. and not trot into a quick advice mode.
A graceful mum plans the day to avoid chaos and confusion in the household. 
Gracefulness also needs to make its entry when everything goes topsy turvy on an unplanned day. (Those do exist you know...)
A graceful mum teaches her children independence and responsibility.
But a graceful mum definitely places the bags gently on the school ground  when all her children dump theirs on her.She isn't a donkey!
A graceful mum speaks with a stern steady voice, with a pinch of gentleness and a splash of love  when disciplining her children.
Gracefulness .. oh .. gracefulness... every time and everywhere we go.... how do we wear it on our hearts ?
It all starts with His grace and that is definitely sufficient for us.


Friday, August 24, 2012

Joining the genealogy of Christ

What does Lisa Jo say?
Stop, drop & write. It’s #FiveMinuteFriday !
Where a beautiful crowd spends five minutes, all writing on the same topic and then sharing ‘em over here.
How to Join:
Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here.
So what's the word?
This last year , I have been introduced to  the blogging world, starting my journey to new ideas, deepening knowledge, "how to's, and comfort and encouragement. Eventually, writing my own "little thing". 

Moms toolbox was one of them, and this year I joined her "Reading the Bible in 90 days".
It is hard staying away from the extra study comments and notes on the verses. Its Day 5, and I am on track.

What stands out is the lives of people mentioned in the genealogy of Christ. It was from  Seth's son Enosh , that the Bible says that "men began to call on the name of the Lord". Commentators say many things.But he got into the line of Christ.
Few names later Enoch , walked with God,then he was no more, because God took him away.
Noah... no need to explain...
Change of scene:
Abraham,was afraid of death at the hand of the Egyptians and declared Sarah as his sister, listened to Sarah and had Ishmael and yet is known as the Father of faith.

Issac, like father like son, did the same "sister thing"with Rebekah.
Jacob, stole his brothers birth right, tricked his father,a mama's boy wrestled with God, knew how to apologize to his brother.
Judah,suggested that they sell his brother Joseph to the Ishmaelistes, had children through his daughter in law. Her name, Tamar being mentioned and the line continuing through her son Peraz.
Rahab the prostitute
Ruth and Boaz
David was the father of Solomon, whose mother had been Uriah's wife (God never forgot that) I guess david cringes every time someone reads the genealogy of Christ.

So the point is... God chose to present HIS SON to the world through a BUNCH that didn't get it right all the time. They joined the honor list with their humanness and ended up with Christ.  
We "as ourselves" with our baggage and stories continue to be mentioned in that long honor list with our starting point as Jesus.


Saturday, August 18, 2012


Five Minute Friday:
The same rules ,the same fun. Write away for 5 minutes. And watch what comes out of the mind and heart.


Part of my self betterment plan is to lose weight and have a nutritious and a healthy life style.  So I started the Game on Diet and is almost done with week 4. The end of the first run. Part of it is 20 minutes of exercise everyday. Now that was a big stretch for me. Nevertheless, I braved it out with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It has 3 levels and I am still stuck on Level 1. One of the circuits had this squat type of exercise that stretched my thigh muscles like I have never used it before. Wasn't walking enough was what I thought. I couldn't bend beyond a certain position and that left me with terrible muscle pain. Walking down the stairs was hard. But I knew I had to continue daily in order to tone my muscle and get used to it. The pain would eventually, most likely in the first week itself go away. And it did. I just had to continue and brave on.

Stretches are good. God has this funny way of doing it once in a while to see how far we would go for Him. It doesn't kill us but it sure does change us. For the better.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Beyond me

What's today? Its Friday. Its time for Five minutes of unplanned, quick , unedited writing.


His love for me, irrespective to what I do or don't do... is beyond my understanding.

Not knowing what the next day.. let alone the next moment will carry.. is past my mothers intuition.

Nothing is possible, or attainable with my skills alone.

Knowing that He alone knows best and that I need to wait for His best to be revealed is beyond my human patience.
     The Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right Psalm 84:11

Remembering God's Word at times of need is beyond the number of furrows on my  brain.

Do not be afraid or discouraged , for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you;he will neither fail you nor abandon you. Deuteronomy 31:8

He is beyond the understanding that I have of Him.

So beyond my understanding yet close to me and in me.


Friday, July 20, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Enough

Every Friday hundreds of women around the globe, look forward to "THE WORD".
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..
So, set your timer, clear your head, for five minutes of free writing without worrying about getting it right.
What's the buzz word?


I had the gift of waking up this morning, sun in my face and even better, two boys on either side, snuggled in. Isn't that enough?

The gift of family, friends, a comfortable home and the overflowing love from her heavenly Father. What more does a girl need?

There is always wants and needs. The two getting blurred more times than one can count.
A bigger house, A Pinterest perfect house.
More money.
Better image of oneself.
More time.
Orderly obedient kids.
A husband who brings flowers everyday.
A magic machine  to whizz up our daily dinner.

What I wouldn't mind more of is the constant burning desire to be in His presence, the dedication to meet up with Him first thing in the morning. Wisdom to me on my tongue. Christ like love to show and share to another.
Now that would be enough .


Saturday, June 30, 2012



After missing a few FMF's, due to getting ready for our India trip... I write my piece of the word here, from India... a few hours after the engagement ceremony of my sister in law. Here is my Five Minute Friday on a Saturday....

In our church here in India, a couple before marriage is required to finish a few hours of counselling sessions with lessons and an exam. My sister in law picked up a very interesting point. God did not create an Eve, Hannah, or Esther  (names doesn't matter). He just created one Eve. Why didn't He give Adam a choice to pick up a wife and a helper from a queue of girls? God knows that Eve was meant to be Adam's wife and helper.... bone of my bones.. flesh of my flesh(Gen 2:23). That was a relief to my sister in law, that this person that she was going to marry is God's chosen one for her and that her parents prayers were answered in showing only His one to them.

To follow God's voice and to act upon it, we have to be that synchronized partner in following His every  lead in this" life dance"... God's journey for  us here on this earth. We being "we", and having the assumption that we can also come up with our own dance steps, using  the "free will card", end up stepping on God's feet. Hurting Him by our choices and falling off the sequence of events God has planned for us. God being our Abba Father, holds onto us tightly, never letting us go, holding our feet on His. He picks up on those faulty steps  and turns them into beautiful movements. 

Follow His lead.... and enjoy the "life dance" He has set for us.


Friday, June 1, 2012

Do you see it?

Five minutes on Friday... Here we GO

Having a kid old enough to be your extended arm ,when you feel lazy to pick something up is awesome. Many times I use Benjamin to get me something from upstairs, when I am lazy to get it myself. But sometimes its more of an effort to tell him where it is. He just doesn't see it , when its right in front of him.

I am sure God feels like me most times when he is trying to show me something.Look Manju, its right here! Don't you see it? This is what you asked for...stop whining and look!Here is the answer! Open your eyes!

Often God needs to force our attention to His wonderful provision.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19


Saturday, May 19, 2012


Joining The gypsy Mama on pouring away for 5 unedited no turning back minutes.
Join me? Read what others have to say about the golden word for today "Perspective"?

We passed by the sweet shop called Jammin, and Benjamin spotted the blue and red ice slushy machine. "Can I have that", saidBenjamin. I said, we couldn't since it wasn't very tasty,didn't know what they used for the color and it was really cold you couldn't  taste anything, anyway. He thought for a few seconds and said," But thats your taste." "My taste is different and I might like it". Now, I played the "Its still a No" card, mothers use when they cant think of anything else.

Reminded me of my relationship with God. I want something. I ask Him. He gives a clear NO.And I justify my reasons on how it can be good for me and how much  I want/need it. (The want and need all blurred up).

I understand the frustration Benjamin had when he didn't get the slushy thing.He just had to accept what I said. I had to accept what He said. And it isn't a pretty sight with the temper tantrum of the mind and heart.

Mama knows best, so they say. God knows best and thats for sure.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.(Jeremiah 29:11)


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Best ever Chocolate cookie Recipe

This is a recipe , from  Meredith Graham, a friend I know from church here in Eindhoven. Cookie. Chocolate. Who can't resist. So I made an excuse to bake these with my boys. Elijah wasn't too enthusiastic about it. He made it clear by saying:Elijah very angry!.Mind you, he is only 2 years old and check out that attitude. Humph. Benjamin, my sweetie was all in for cookie baking. He loves to help make stuff. Well, mostly the licking part. So, I thought I would test out Meredith's recipe and give it is "BEST EVA" title.

Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies (I got around 35 cookies)
77 g butter @ room temperature (1/3 cup)
120 g crisco- vegetable shortening (2/3 cup)
157 g granulated sugar (Fijn Crystal suiker) (3/4 cup)
187 g packed brown sugar (light bastard suiker) (3/4 cup)
2 eggs
2 tsp milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
270 g all-purpose flour/ zeuwse bloem(2 and 1/4 cups but please use a scale for the flour)
250 g chocolate chips (9 oz)

Ingredients needed for the cookies

  1. Pre-heat conventional oven to 375 degrees F (180 degrees C).
  2. Cream the butter and shortening until light and fluffy. 
  3. Add the granulated sugar and brown sugar and beat until well blended. 
  4. One at a time, add the eggs, scraping down the bowl after each addition. 
  5. Add the milk and vanilla and mix just until combined. 
  6. In a separate bowl, sift the salt, baking powder, baking soda and flour. 
  7. Add flour mixture to butter/sugar mix a bit at a time, mixing just until combined each time, and scraping the bowl often. 
  8. Once flour is almost completely incorporated, add the chocolate chips, mix just until distributed. 
  9. Drop by rounded spoon onto cookie sheets (I use the two spoon method, scoop with one and push the dough out of the spoon with another spoon) and bake for 8 to 10 minutes. 
  10. If you like your cookies very soft, take them out just before you think they are done. If you like a bit of crisp on the outside, leave them until they just begin to brown. Rotate your cookie sheet half-way through baking if your oven is uneven (most are).

Elijah not so happy and made it clear that he was angry
Here are the steps in pictures:

Elijah adding the Crisco
All the butter and Crisco mixed. And licked too!
Benjamin cracking his first egg. And Elijah ready to wear glasses to avoid splashes

Mastering the spooning technique

All set to pop into the oven


I definitely would have got at least 40-45 cookies. But some didn't survive the cookie monsters. They didn't even make it on the baking tray before baking. Monster tactics used: speed licking and eat one spoon-scoop on one spoon. Meredith, I got to say they were the best. I even wrapped a few in baking paper and tied a bow. Benjamin went and gave it to our neighbors on either side. They absolutely loved it. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of the wrapped goodies before they were whisked away to the neighbors.

They were baked wonderfully in exactly 10 minutes. Left it out to cool and into the box when the next batch came out of the oven. Some of them had funny shapes , but what the heck, they tasted superlicious!

Meredith, has an interesting blog of great bakes, among other things. She has found places to get those baking,cake decorating items in Eindhoven, that long timers like me haven't discovered yet. And she has been here for just a couple of years.Thanks Meredith for your Holland adventures!

Friday, April 20, 2012


It's been a month since I have attempted a Five Minute Friday. I knew I missed a few but not a months worth. Some of them were hard to write on. Not knowing how to and what I should include and not. The whole point of it be a five minute was lost in all the complications of writing it.

Well, back from complications (for a tad bit) and to more clarity (for a tad bit), I take up the Five minute nudge to write my heart out without over thinking it.

My five minute starts now

Resolutions every New Year came with its challenge to commit to it.That itself being a resolution in itself. This mostly survived a few weeks.But somethings develop over the months, and the perseverance to commit and complete them comes about. I like those kinds of resolutions. Without naming it a resolution.

As a young mother (if I dare call myself young),of two boys , 2 and 5, building up foundations and traditions have come to be importance for me. Finding a foot on what personality type of a family we are and what we treasure and want to carry on for years, begins to shape. It isn't all about diapers and abusing your washing machine.

Benjamin has begun his journey in reading. And just discovering that he can read and even write 3 letter words has been a life altering "WOW" in these past few weeks. So, being the parent, I go around buying grade level beginner books and using all the resources I can find to stimulate and grow that has been WOW too. Both him and I have enjoyed sitting TOGETHER and reading his first books. It is priceless to see that twinkle in his eyes when he read his first sentence. And of course each sentence has a WOW at the end.

I always assumed living in Eindhoven, Netherlands, a small city, was not BUSY and was RELAXING. It is most times, if I can see it that way. But the 3 days that I work makes it BUSY and UNFOCUSSED. Having close friends living 15 to 20 minutes away, makes it a moment of calculating how much time do I have to go, sit for a while, drive back in time to pick up kids make the whole prospect of meeting up very tiring. And hence, meeting them in church becomes the final way.(If our husbands aren't driving the car with our side door open and giving us last warnings to get in). Fretting about friendships can be "fretful". But I know I can pray for them fervently, with that request they throw on you while rushing. I can hold on to that and let my love for them grow.

That is what God has given me for the moment.
Making every minute with family and friends count.Even if it was just a few minutes....



Friday, March 23, 2012

Still that thing called "Loud"

Diving straight into my Five minutes of the day.
I am linking with Lisa-Jo and 100 plus women pouring out every Friday.


I love my children and my husband. Don't get me wrong. But I would love to be surrounded by silence for a CERTAIN length of time. I love to hear my kids call me "mama" and talk to them. But I would love to not hear them for a tad bit long.Sometimes even in a silent moment, I do hear their voice ringing in my head.Loud and clear! Veggie tale music playing in my brain and I can actually hear it.The tuneless guitar strums of my 5 year old still playing in my head even if he is at school.

What can I do to silence the loud noises reverberating in my head from the day?

A walk alone in the sun perhaps.....

An afternoon nap, to energize the tired mind...

What I have been looking forward to the entire week is our once a year English speaking AGLOW conference in the Netherlands. Just 40 minutes away from home and a few more hours to go.Women from Europe gather together under one centre for the entire weekend, represented from different nations waving their flags at the nations welcome ceremony, away from home to worship and rest.

I love the rest part. And of course the worship.

Taking some time off to refresh and rest, have a change in perspective, step out of those roller-skates, is a good idea.

And I am embracing it.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Thy art Brave, woman!

Another day , another word to ponder and write over. I am joining over 100 women this Friday, like other Fridays, to write our heart out, not go back and edit,and just write for the joy of writing.

Lisa Jo over at Gypsy Mama has a word for us this morning... and that word is BRAVE


Women have been doing it for centuries. Its an ingrained feature in our specifications. Rearing a family. Women work full time, part time, home school,organize birthday parties, stay up nights with those raging temperatures,discipline, hear those first words of "I don't love you", "no body loves me"phrases, nurture them, instill values, raise them up sowing seeds of The Word.

Everybody is doing it. There is even a word some have coined called"superwoman". Are we able to keep up to those "standards"? Are we wearing those sweatpants for the fourth time this week?
If you are like me,and you definitely have those broken chap sticks, that the kids have a reason to experiment with and, you always try to fix back and use them until there isn't anymore to use... sister, "Thy art brave!"

I have realized, thankfully sooner, that we don't have to be doing it all and ticking up all the boxes in the "Superwoman code of conduct manual". You have taken the brave step of conceiving, going through childbirth and bring them up this far. If there are days you try to put them to bed, hoping that they sleep off soon without asking for stories, so you could have those extra minutes to sit and take off those roller skates.... you are brave indeed. Say a prayer for them and rest those smelly feet!

God knows our heart, and He knows we fervently pray for them.And try to remember that we are on an assignment from God to our children(Elizabeth George from A woman after God's own heart). He knows because we are already amazing to Him.


Friday, March 9, 2012

Empty the jug everyday

Its that time of the week... I look forward to putting down those thoughts that fill up my mind.
I am hooking up with Lisa Jo.. She gives the word prayerfully.. we write our heart out in 5 minutes of unedited, continuos writing. Here goes....

My neighbor commented on the jug of water sitting on the table:"You should not keep water in it for too long,its going to collect dust and have that slimy thing on the insides."

Hmm... thats the conversation, that flashed through my mind as I thought on the word "empty".

By the end of the week ,I am filled with impressions,things people said, stuff I learnt, things people didn't say... you know the routine list, right? And it overwhelms me.

I have realized that I need to empty out the entire jug on a daily basis, to Him.For Him to sort out, purify and cleanse. Not to have any "slime" left behind to carry on the next day, affecting the quality of the day He gives me.

It's not as easy as it sounds. Emptying everything and throwing it out at His feet does stir up things inside. Sometimes I want to keep a little to myself to process and analyze on my own. Well, a little slime is enough to make the day sour. So I might as well surrender to every one of those things.

Thats the best part about learning from your mistakes.Somethings you just know not to repeat. You know for sure.. thats a "no repeat".

Or so I think so often.


Friday, March 2, 2012


Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays.

We write because we love words and the relief it is to just write them without worrying if they’re just right or not. So we take five minutes on Friday and write like we used to finger paint. For joy in the process. No matter how messy the result.

I am linking up with Lisa Jo over at Gypsy Mama.

Certain things that people say to you stick. Stick like glue. And you are reminded about it every time you breath.
A week ago a teacher from the school and also a friend from church was discussing possibilities of a new student that might need help. The child didn't require speech and language Therapy but in- class support in following tasks among other needs.She said she would help in training me for that role and she thought I was best suited because of my skills,could stay focussed and at the same time empathize with the child. I thought wow.WOW. She thinks highly of me! But then, she added, "And God is on your side." That is what , stuck like glue.

Every day I pray for my own children, worrying about their safety. What they will become when they grow up? Will they be kind and compassionate? Will they stick with God through out their life?and the list goes on...

In my mind, the children and the parents that I help, those with dyslexia, ADHD/ADD, delayed speech and language... also have a place in prayer.I pray that I can help them the right way and they will be able to shine through those labels, as stars.How their parents worry and remain clueless of the future their child will have.A great future, I pray. I empathize with them. As a student , I struggled too with school and worked hard to reach where I am. And I didn't have any disabilities or labels. But God was on my side.

God was on my side, through my ache, as a student, as a parent and now as a professional.


Thank you Tracey for coming over for tea... speaking to you did bring my thoughts together into this post for today!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Today I'm joining my friend The Gypsy Mama for five minutes where I'll write without editing, backtracking, or second guessing. Writing because it brings me joy. Five minutes to share, to unite, to process our hearts. Just five minutes.

Grit is defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” When compared with the construct of persistence, Grit adds a component of passion for the goal.(Good old Wikipedia)

Yesterday being the first day of Lent, I was scaffolding in my mind the various "things" I do in my work and church life. The roles I assume everywhere.The list was quite long. I wasn't analyzing to remove or take a step back from anything that I do, but to actually assess the God given passion in all of these. Am I doing it because someone has to and I do it best or am I responding to God's calling? To my grit perseverance am I adding that passion for the goal? I saw that I did lose it somewhere along the way. I did lose that time in His presence because, you know, "I HAVE TO PREPARE FOR EVERYTHING..."What I did was "prepared outside His presence, rather than in His presence and at His feet".

I pray, as I submit everything He has given me in His calling, back to Him. He can purify it, and I can start fresh in His presence.

An image that did come to my mind as I thought about Lisa Jo's word for this Friday.. was how when a worker sieves the sand and gravel, the grit... the heavier, larger one, takes longer to fall through the tiny netted gaps... holding on as long as they can, irrespective to the wild shakings around them. I want to be that grit. Not shaken,but holding fast onto the net of His protection around me.


Friday, February 17, 2012


Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays.

We write because we want to, not because we have to. We write for fun, for joy, for discovery at how much creativity is crammed in our heads and even if we just unlock if for five minutes it can paint the world in dazzling wonder.

On Fridays we just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. It’s such a relief, I promise.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & leave an encouraging comment.
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:



Delight..... The first thing that did come to my mind was the verse from Psalms: Delight in the Lord and He shall give you your hearts desires....

But I want to tell you the desires of my heart that He has given...

Delight is when He chose the right man for me at His right time... when I was completely unaware and not looking.

Delight is when I held on to my first born and named him Benjamin.. the son of my right hand.

Delight is when God speaks and reveals His plan for you.

Delight is when I look into my Elijah's eyes and knew that "Yahweh is His God".

Delight is when God grants me work in the Netherlands when my bitterness was given to Him.

Delight is to see the way He protects my husband and my children.

Delight is when I get ready for bed after making Elijah's Second Birthday cake at 1:30 am, but steal in a quick look at my boys and watch them sleeping peacefully....The tiredness and the aching legs somehow go away....

My 5 minutes are up but I go on in my heart .. delighting in the desires you have granted me.

How have you delighted in the Lord...? How has He granted the desires of your heart?


Friday, February 3, 2012

The Reality Show

Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays.

We write because we want to, not because we have to. We write for fun, for joy, for discovery.

We just write without worrying if it’s just write or not.

Won’t you join us?

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them.
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:


I was catching up with my reading through the Book of Acts from over Moms Tool Box.And today I read the chapter 12: Peter's miraculous escape from prison. While the angel was leading him out of the chains, the jail doors and through the city, Peter thought he was seeing a vision. According to verse 9: He had no idea what the angel was doing was really happening.

Do I see what God is doing for real or keep on wishing and imagining He did something about it? Did I see that "real moment" from God? I may have missed quite a few of them.But I do see the real working of God's hand in me and my family. The past 2 weeks have been weeks of ear pain, ear infections and fevers. They are all well and playing ball as I write. Grace and love like a mighty river, as Brian Johnson sings in the background. That was the real doing of God for me.Even though I may have snapped and fed them dinner late. Chanted that melody a million times to clear up the toys. HE was walking through it all with me.Walking in front of me so I could see HIM and stop myself from shouting. Holding my hand so HE could take the petty frustration away.Reminding me of the real thing.I CAN MAKE IT TO THE END IF I COULD JUST SEE YOUR FACE.Your grace abounds.Focus and purpose clear. I continue the work of motherhood, walking on the water with you, Lord.My eyes on YOU.