Tuesday, September 30, 2014

31 days : A writing challenge every October, every year

31 Days is an online writing challenge started by home blogger, Myquillyn Smith (The Nester) where bloggers pick one topic and write a post on that topic every day in October. We all link up just once on day one (linky opens on the evening of October 1st) so that we can see all the topics and read the ones that most interest us. The linky will stay open through October 5th for late comers but will be closed after that.
As a writer, 31 Days challenges you to go deeper into one topic.
As a reader, 31 Days will most likely have a few topics that you are curious about, it’s a great time to get to know some new bloggers.
To read the 31 Days Topics starting in October simply click back to the home page scroll down and pick any category from the black squares and click on it, you’ll be taken to a plethora of wonderful ideas, enjoy! To see past 31 Days topics, click here.
To join in writing for 31 Days (#write31Days) simply sign up here or on the sidebar. Then link up once between October 1 and October 5th and write a post every day in October.
So this is what "31 days of " is all about. I will pre write a few days worth of posts and post one each day. Especially with less than a month to the arrival of baby number 3. Nothing is predictable. But I still wanted to do it this year. I did one in 2012. So here goes!
Oops! Before I forget. Here is what I will be writing on for the next 31 days.
31 days to organizing the home.

Monday, September 22, 2014

A wonderful visit from my brother

Since my brother joined his new work in Palo Alto, California after his Phd, we knew there were chances of him coming here since he was required to visit the Bosch companies in Germany. A quick visit was planned this weekend, initially an attempt was made to make it a surprise one. But many other factors came into play, so he had to let us know he was coming to Stuttgart.  We didn't tell the kids who were coming. But somebody really close.

He was scheduled to arrive in Eindhoven Saturday morning around 11. Around 8 am he called saying he overslept and thought it might be good to cancel, since driving 5 hours after a late start would be pointless, since he would leave Sunday evening.

It was his way of trying to squeeze in another mini surprise. He was right outside the door....
When the kids heard me talk to him in Malayalam on the phone just before he appeared in our drive way, Benjamin deduced from other clues that this is a "Malayalam Guy"! The kids jumped on top of him when they saw him.Like a pair of monkeys!

Even though it was such a short visit, it was so nice to see him , 9 months after his wedding. Cooked his favorite food, like cutlets, kachimor with rice. He sure was tired of eating all the potatoes and meat in Germany.
The spread and him

Focussed on his lunch

Wine, cheese, olives and sausages

Sunday lunch at Happy Italy, Eindhoven Centre

Goofy Kids

The boys

He ate his ice- cream and ate mine while I went into a shop

one more last one


Expecting more visits from him in the near future.
Bye, Tutu mama!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Five minute Friday : Hold on

Joining in with  Kate Motaung and hundreds of women across the globe, writing on a single prompt for 5 minutes. Unedited. Fluid. Here goes.


It's so human that we hold on to past hurts, and things that didn't work rather than to those that did, and the answered prayers.

We listened to Max Lucado's "Fearless " Sermon in our cell group last night.  He said," Fear numbs our memories, creates a form of Spiritual Alzeimer's . We unknowingly hold on to the fear rather than to Him. He asked "Why are you afraid?"to the disciples when the storm shook them and their boat. Without an answer or further questioning he calmed the lake. They were so fresh from the miracle Makers wonders. The healing, driving out demons, raising from the dead and yet they held on to their fear:"Why don't you care , Lord?"

As we progress in our journey, we learn and relearn lessons. He waits patiently for us , every step of the way as we play this game of holding and leaving his Hands. He waits for our firm grip, never leaving grip, lasting until the end of our journey.


Friday, September 5, 2014

Five Minute Friday : Whisper

Joining in with  Kate Motaung and hundreds of women across the globe, writing on a single prompt for 5 minutes. Unedited. Fluid. Here goes.



The last stretch, and the OOO's and Ah's for everyone have subsided. The kids and husband have an attention span of a few seconds when I rush them to see the baby kick and move around. The kids need reminding that there's a baby and I am not going to jump with them, or pick up toys a million times. Especially those tiny Lego's.

But, for me , little one, every movement , after all these weeks, are precious. Its as if it's the first kick I can see and feel. It's though you are whispering to me through every movement. I am here. I am awake. I hear you and my brothers. It's feels like the first time.

I imagine how you would look, and images of a little Benjamin or little Elijah pop. Who would you look like? You know O Lord! This little one will be just how You designed him to be. Exactly what the Maker has planned.