Friday, March 16, 2012

Thy art Brave, woman!

Another day , another word to ponder and write over. I am joining over 100 women this Friday, like other Fridays, to write our heart out, not go back and edit,and just write for the joy of writing.

Lisa Jo over at Gypsy Mama has a word for us this morning... and that word is BRAVE


Women have been doing it for centuries. Its an ingrained feature in our specifications. Rearing a family. Women work full time, part time, home school,organize birthday parties, stay up nights with those raging temperatures,discipline, hear those first words of "I don't love you", "no body loves me"phrases, nurture them, instill values, raise them up sowing seeds of The Word.

Everybody is doing it. There is even a word some have coined called"superwoman". Are we able to keep up to those "standards"? Are we wearing those sweatpants for the fourth time this week?
If you are like me,and you definitely have those broken chap sticks, that the kids have a reason to experiment with and, you always try to fix back and use them until there isn't anymore to use... sister, "Thy art brave!"

I have realized, thankfully sooner, that we don't have to be doing it all and ticking up all the boxes in the "Superwoman code of conduct manual". You have taken the brave step of conceiving, going through childbirth and bring them up this far. If there are days you try to put them to bed, hoping that they sleep off soon without asking for stories, so you could have those extra minutes to sit and take off those roller skates.... you are brave indeed. Say a prayer for them and rest those smelly feet!

God knows our heart, and He knows we fervently pray for them.And try to remember that we are on an assignment from God to our children(Elizabeth George from A woman after God's own heart). He knows because we are already amazing to Him.



  1. "We are on assignment from God to our children."

  2. I love your post, Manju! I don't have kids yet, but it hard enough to organize my life with my boyfriend- let alone with kids involved. My mom was a stay at home mom for a lot of years and I didn't realize how hard it was, until I saw some of my friends do it. They are brave! Thank you for letting us see your perspective!


I would love to hear what you think.