Linking up from this weeks five minute Friday on the word: tomorrow
I usually start the day off by putting it into His hands and especially for a good peaceful day with the kids . But that doesn't get me off the hook by saying the first thing that comes out of anger . My oldest, though only 8 have entered this pre teen sort of stage containing all the dramatics . A few preteen sparks sometimes fall on the 5 year old too. I start off with a calm sweet voice , carefully wording my requests and as I pat myself on my back for the job well done , at the corner of my eye I see this eye rolling and mouth mimicking my request . I can feel my blood simmering and I turn the flames down. Stern but gentle words are carried around the room. Then another pre teen symptom shows its face : whinnitis. When ones voice changes into a low pitch , dragging utterance of words accompanied by spot jogging sort of movements as if one's feet is on hot coal . "But I don't want to do it." " Why can't he do it ?". " You always ask me to do it ."" I don't like this ".

I blame them for turning up the flames. By now I am move from simmering to boiling . No other liquid reaches its boiling point so quickly , metaphorically speaking . With threats flying around the room, negotiations being drafted , and both parties claim the " I walked out first " card. After an exhausting few minutes of the this discourse I already regret the words I said . Ms.Pity comes out to do its job of justifying. A few chocolates does its job of cooling down , and adding to the width. And both of us have no idea , how to go back and apologize and make things right .
The 8 year old goes to bed angry and refuses to kiss goodnight or let alone say goodnight . Nothing good about the night yet. I remind him about how it's not good to go to be angry . One must indeed practice what one preaches .
I shut the door , sigh on yet another epic failure in parenting. Asks God's forgiveness and promises I will do better, tomorrow . There is always tomorrow to start again .
Thanks for sharing! I think it's just life that we pray one thing and then life shows a completely side of us...But you're right, there's always hope and always a tomorrow, such a privilege!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday to you from Germany :)