Friday, April 3, 2015

Five Minute Friday :Good

Back on the horse with Five minute Friday. The prompt is GOOD.


God is Good, all the time. All the time, God is good.

I remember the first time I heard this and said this, in my church back home in Kuwait. Pastor Jerry used to say this all the time, not because it was a new catchy Christian phrase, but he truly meant it. It was evident in his life and in the life of the church.

God has been good even before I knew it. His goodness has seen me through the past so many years. From getting me through school, university, helping me choose the right life partner, pregnancy, delivery and 3 amazing boys. 

When life brings its challenges I usually, only , see those challenges. The good things He did, fades off in the background. Its like a sight issue... things in front begins clear and those behind gets blurry. 

So, the only way to get my vision in the right order was to switch. Good things in the front and challenges at the back. Keeping my eye focussed on gratitude and thanksgiving (do these words mean the same or are they different?). That was the foremost way for me to get on the path He wants me to. Once I am there, Scripture and loading the doubts and fears on Him follows. 

Sounds like a good sound plan. But its a challenge in itself to keep that "good plan". He mostly provides strength for that too. Did you think you could do anything in your own strength? Kiss that good bye! 

His strength, His way , His plan. Now that sounds good.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry I'm so late...but I enjoyed reading about your perspective and what God is teaching you. Thank you for the encouragement and reminder that we cannot do anything on our own! Blessings (visiting from fmf)


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