Joining Lisa Jo Baker this Friday.....
A new Year to change things, to try new things, and to attempt to never repeat mistakes from last year. Thinking about all these on the first day of year, has suddenly caught me diving into the 11th day of this new year. The past 11 days have been a blur. The next 354 days can very well turn into a blur if I dont wait and take a few steps back on that diving board.
This write up started Friday, dragged into Saturday after attending the monthly AGLOW for Women and now here I am on a sunny but cold Sunday afternoon after a wonderful all Age Service to finish out my Five minute Friday.(This is not anymore a Five minute write up or Friday! :)).
The AGLOW speaker spoke on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and something that we are all entitled to as the children of God. These are meant to be used in situations that requires the use of these gifts. So that means I can ask for the gift of tongues and prophesy, if He wants me to use it.
And this mornings All Age Epiphany service had us flying from Eindhoven to India to Ireland and finally to Nigeria and back home. Exploring the ways Jesus' Words reached the people. With adults and children from these parts of the world showing us our story, we learnt how we became who we are because of our ancestors accepting Christ through St. Thomas in India, St. Patrick in Ireland and Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther in Nigeria. And the service ended with a short video clip of a recent scene(2010) taking place in Papua New Guinea on how a multitude was waiting for a plane to land, so they could receive their first New Testaments in their native language. The joy and tears of receiving this gift was unforgettable. And we have Bibles of various versions, one for women with special study notes, a few children's bible lying around in every room. The preciousness caught hold of me strongly.
Our ancestors did the diving so that we could enjoy the benefits of knowing Him and be saved from damnation. And we take it all for granted.
I can choose to make resolutions to lose weight, de-clutter the house, finish 15 books this year....
but I choose to be grateful for this free gift of salvation and become more like Him. I may not be able to reach out and go on mission trips, but I can be a helpful, listening friend. I can cook a meal, or fold laundry for an overwhelmed new mum. I can dedicate at least 30 minutes of my time building my relationship with people. I can pray for them at all times. I can pray for those unsaved in my family. I can pray that HE will show me how to be His instrument ..... wherever He wants me to be and do whatever He want me to do....
I choose to dive when He says GO.
A new Year to change things, to try new things, and to attempt to never repeat mistakes from last year. Thinking about all these on the first day of year, has suddenly caught me diving into the 11th day of this new year. The past 11 days have been a blur. The next 354 days can very well turn into a blur if I dont wait and take a few steps back on that diving board.
This write up started Friday, dragged into Saturday after attending the monthly AGLOW for Women and now here I am on a sunny but cold Sunday afternoon after a wonderful all Age Service to finish out my Five minute Friday.(This is not anymore a Five minute write up or Friday! :)).
The AGLOW speaker spoke on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and something that we are all entitled to as the children of God. These are meant to be used in situations that requires the use of these gifts. So that means I can ask for the gift of tongues and prophesy, if He wants me to use it.
And this mornings All Age Epiphany service had us flying from Eindhoven to India to Ireland and finally to Nigeria and back home. Exploring the ways Jesus' Words reached the people. With adults and children from these parts of the world showing us our story, we learnt how we became who we are because of our ancestors accepting Christ through St. Thomas in India, St. Patrick in Ireland and Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther in Nigeria. And the service ended with a short video clip of a recent scene(2010) taking place in Papua New Guinea on how a multitude was waiting for a plane to land, so they could receive their first New Testaments in their native language. The joy and tears of receiving this gift was unforgettable. And we have Bibles of various versions, one for women with special study notes, a few children's bible lying around in every room. The preciousness caught hold of me strongly.
Our ancestors did the diving so that we could enjoy the benefits of knowing Him and be saved from damnation. And we take it all for granted.
I can choose to make resolutions to lose weight, de-clutter the house, finish 15 books this year....

I choose to dive when He says GO.
Good thoughts! And I did my FMF on a Sunday, too. :)
ReplyDeleteLots of resolutions and things to accomplish there, but with Him, He'll direct you to the most important ones.