Friday, October 19, 2012


It's Friday... and here I am .. as hundreds of women will be.... Five Minute Friday hosted by Lisa Jo Baker. Whats the word?



Autumn break was supposed to be "look around the house and do what is required". Well its Friday now and I have just begun to look around at the things that I planned to do since Monday.
What happened?
Well, I was taking the kids out to play areas and for play dates... thats what happened? So I wasn't wasting time.

Can I look around and clear up areas that need clearing up in the next three day, before I start work,again?
Yay! Of course I can!
There will always be "clear up lists"and I dont have to "clear up" the entire 3 days.
The autumn break was for me too and not just for the kids.
Thankfully , not that bad!
Rest is as important to the body and mind as  is a "junk cleared house".

So thats what I am just about to do.
Look around to where my eyes dare go. Clear up. Choose my rest moments wisely.
Its not the end of the world, when stuff hasn't been cleared up.
Enjoy your weekend!



  1. That image is hysterical! I pray you choose your 'rest moments' are many and that LOTS gets picked up. There's nothing like (semi)clean to make you feel energized and ready to take on the world! Stopping by from Five Minute Friday.


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