A keep sake memory of fun things from the past!
What can you collect and keep to remember the childhood days, to laugh about it, to talk about ?
Some ideas:
- A shell , or a pebble from every holiday. Write the year and place on it and put it in a jar.
- I used to write letters to my dad (we obviously lived together) on how my mum wasn't fair to me , or when she scolded. I saw these letters a few years ago in file in my dads drawer. How cute that he saved it all these years.
- A page of favourite things from each year: have a list of favourite things such as favourite colour, tv show, book, food, activity. Let them answer those questions every year. You will how different or same their answers will be over the years. Add it to their school year files. See more here .
Any other ideas?
Appreciative of your ideas especially to keep memories. We save letters by the 6 yr old. The younger one, right now just videos.