Life seems to run smoothly when you have everything and are not in want. And that is indeed a gift from God.But, one tends to end up taking things for granted. As if being born in a Christian family was just there all the time. Jesus was in the picture all the time, except that with age I need spiritual glasses to see Him more clearly. Went to Sunday school, did the rights things(most of the time), part of church and various ministries. Its like getting dressed for work and Mondays are unbearable. God being a gentle Father, as we would like to see that face of God at all times, we choose to not remember that He is a wrathful God against any sin. Scores of people have dropped dead because they went away from God. Consider, Ananias and Sapphira, who were members of the early church and dropped dead when they lied about giving money. We would have dropped dead a hundred times by now, we godly Christian people. Salvation and His love was given to us , passed down by our Christian family, we never had to suffer to get it. I was not persecuted to denounce my faith nor was I evangelizing in dangerous countries. Do I really know how much it cost for me to be saved? To live a life of luxury?
We dress up and put make up to look good, to feel good. To cover up blemishes, to hide those baggy areas. I come to God , crossing off "quiet time" in my "To -do List ", sitting on the couch, with my feet up, with a cup of tea. Failing to realize, that I have entered Holy Ground. Removing my shoes and crawling to His presence, because He is the Great I AM. He sees our bare nakedness.The condition of our soul.Not our costumes or accomplishments or what we think we are. .And I am great material to "drop dead".
I am shaken and brought to my senses when I read Jesus' Words at the end of the Sermon on the Mount.
Not everyone who says to me "Lord, Lord,"will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, " Lord. Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?" Then I will tell them plainly," I never knew you. Away from me, you evil doers!"