On Fridays around these parts we like to write. Not for comments or traffic or anyone else's agenda. But for pure love of the written word. For joy at the sound of syllables, sentences and paragraphs all strung together by the voice of the speaker.
We love to Just write without worrying if its just right or not. For five minutes flat. Here is how we do it:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat with no editing, tweaking, or self critiquing.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in(you can grab the button code in the right side bar of her website).
3. Go and tell the person who linked up before you what their words meant to you. Every writer longs to feel heard.
OK, are you ready ? Give me your best five minutes for the prompt:
As you can see my Five minute Friday is written on the Monday for this week. That's because my Friday ... as the topic says was "Full". Full as in busy and full of bad news.
I woke up checking my email in bed(i realize I shouldn't be doing this), to find that the mother of my friend was diagnosed with bone cancer. That was my first dip even before I could get out of bed. To not be there for them at this time and to not to know what they are going through just fills me with that kind of uneasy feeling.
The day I decided not to send Elijah to the daycare.. was the day he had to fall down these Dutch steep stairs. The thud.. or rather the many thuds I heard.. and I still hear in my head is one thud I cannot forget.There he was lying on the floor and blood every where. Long story short.. the poor boys front two teeth fell off. I found one completely out lying on the floor. Among the blood I couldn't find the other one. Went to the doctors. Got an all clear(The Dutch doctors are all about giving the all clear . all the time). Saturday Morning we saw a little bit of the teeth in the mouth and thought if it was broken or something like that.
Went to the emergency dentists and he said that the tooth had pushed into the gums. That must have been one blow for that tooth to get pushed inside. But there wasn't any need to take it out and it would be fine. So for the next 6 to 7 years of his life he will be walking around with the 1 mile gap in his mouth. He obviously recovered with 15 minutes and was upset that he couldn't bite into his apple. But mama is still reeling over that incident and hearing thuds in her sleep.
My "full" day isn't over yet.
Once things settled, I checked my email(again) to find out the father of my best friend who we knew very well and went for EfM classes(Education for Ministry) together for 2 years, opened their home for the young adults of Trinity Church Eindhoven to meet for cell, fathered in all the expat students, went back to Hong Kong and was doing missionary work among the Chinese factory workers... died of a sudden heart attack. He was perfectly healthy and always biked 45 mins to work.
I intended to write on how my life was FULL of blessings. And at the end I can say how full of protection and blessings my life and the life of my family has been.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
This is the first time i am trying this out after following a friends own Five minute Friday.Here it goes....
How many of those opportunities in helping someone, saying s few words of encouragement, just being the listener, have i missed in the past week alone. A loss to me in doing what God wants me to do. But knowing that God does achieve that purpose through someone else in another time, does comfort me a little bit.
What do i do with this sense of loss in missing God's point. Do I wallow in it and say I cant do any of what you give me Lord, stating reasons such as kids, work ,home, family.
I choose to pray harder for the Lord to show me these opportunities clearly, and give me the courage and strength to follow that call. This is the journey I signed up for. If missed today, you will help me gain it another day.
This is the first time i am trying this out after following a friends own Five minute Friday.Here it goes....
How many of those opportunities in helping someone, saying s few words of encouragement, just being the listener, have i missed in the past week alone. A loss to me in doing what God wants me to do. But knowing that God does achieve that purpose through someone else in another time, does comfort me a little bit.
What do i do with this sense of loss in missing God's point. Do I wallow in it and say I cant do any of what you give me Lord, stating reasons such as kids, work ,home, family.
I choose to pray harder for the Lord to show me these opportunities clearly, and give me the courage and strength to follow that call. This is the journey I signed up for. If missed today, you will help me gain it another day.
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