Another blog among the millions? Well, this is for me, to speak out my daily encounters and laughs with my boys. The funny things they say and do. The things I have learnt from them. How I have learnt to handle issues with Discipline, Potty training,Time outs, routine etc... and may be useful to some of you.
As a speech therapist I have been on top of my sons development and I must say Benjamin can be quite a thing. Elijah has almost hit the 6 month mark and he is rolling, lunging out to grab things, and readying his cute legs for the crawling position.
My mind starts it roller coater ride first thing in the morning and I have been wishing to write down some of the things that goes on it there(that is worthwhile).
Living in the Netherlands can be quite a ride if you dont know what you are looking for. With a language barrier(getting there.. i can finally understand what people say.. well.. most of it... I think so...)life for the expats can be difficult. I hope I can fill in on what i have learnt and gained from living here these past few years.
Okay... so let the mind start its rambling and let the fingers type away.......
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