Back from a weeks holiday and refreshed and ready to start back at routines! Did I just say that? I sure do miss the laid back easy life I had the last one week. No cleaning no washing, absolutely nothing! I was overjoyed when I could drop towels on the floor. When there was trash lying on the floor I didn't have to pick it up. Didn't have to clean bathrooms! The hotels cleaning lady... that was the high point during my holiday! Even though I enjoy cooking, it can get rather boring when you have to think of what to cook for the kids and the husband every single day. The all inclusive all you can eat holiday was awesome. Eggs and bacons, sausages and pancakes for breakfast. heavy lunches and dinners. By the end of the week , I didn't feel like eating anymore.
Benjamin was at his best. By the 4th day he looked like a ball of chocolate ice cream. Literally eating them every day and wore the color on his face due to the sun. He was forever in the swimming pool... bobbing through it and showing off his special dive, twirling, free fall dives to a less than 1 meter swimming pool. Slept well, ate well and was always by our side when we were traveling through the city. I guess he is indeed growing up.
Elijah on the other hand was a handful. Feeding and carrying him around was tough. Can't blame him , he was having a runny nose and even a fever here and there. Poor thing was cranky most of the time. But I was amazed at how he was nibbling through a piece of orange, watermelon, cucumber and tomato. I have to remember to continue giving him that over here. Ben was also inspired, rather pressured into eating a piece of these when he saw Elijah eating it.
Our holiday wasn't exactly entirely relaxing but was relaxing to some extent. I got to finish 3 books during the past one week, which was a huge accomplishment for me , considering the fact that it was ages since I read a book with Elijah being born and work and you know life in general.
Bobby sighed a breath of relief when we were on the bus to the airport.."hmm.. the holiday is finally over.. I can now relax back at the office." being with the kids (and me)24 hours a day was a little too much for him to handle. a few hours in the evening after work id just enough for him I guess.. not that he doesn't love spending time with us. Meal times were stressful for him, had to keep an eye on Ben when he was in the pool, was carrying Elijah when i wasn't. Ain't much of a holiday like that , I guess. And to top it all, he was silently going through a mini version of the terrible flu I was inflicted with a few day before we left for Kos. So he is looking forward to a relaxed and peaceful week at the office come Monday.
Time to give the kids some lunch.And they are already squirming and tugging at my sleeve. Is there anything in the fridge? What can I give them? The thought continues.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010

Books have been an exciting and important part of our family. Benjamin started chewing on books at 4 months old and then staring at them since he was old enough to sit. I have also loved buying books and stocking our library with a variety of books for each stage. Being part of the International school here in Eindhoven and having access to their wonderful collection thanks to Lynne. Ben has been enjoying the wonderful language of Lynley Dodd, Margaret Mahy's "Simply Delicious",Curtis Jobling's "Cheeky Monkey",Graeme Base's "The waterhole" and many more. I was surprised one day , when he asked me to read Max Lucado's "Hermie" , I said I was busy doing something. He got cross and said he was going to read by himself. AS he began, I was amazed at how he was telling the story to himself. Constructing similar sentences and following the storyline perfectly. Mind you, he is 3.5 years old.
Elijah has also accomplished his own successes. Two books of Mem Fox were a present from Lynne too. "Hello Baby"and "Ten little fingers and ten little toes". Those were his first books that he was actually captivated by and just looked at the big pictures all over the page. Studying it and looking at me intermittently. He also listens to me when I read to Ben.
Starting to read to children, doesn't have a particular age. How much they grasp we do not know. But those few moments with a book in any form, reading to or chewing them are the foundational steps to early literacy.
Pick a book a read to them.....
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Raising Benjamin and Elijah

Another blog among the millions? Well, this is for me, to speak out my daily encounters and laughs with my boys. The funny things they say and do. The things I have learnt from them. How I have learnt to handle issues with Discipline, Potty training,Time outs, routine etc... and may be useful to some of you.
As a speech therapist I have been on top of my sons development and I must say Benjamin can be quite a thing. Elijah has almost hit the 6 month mark and he is rolling, lunging out to grab things, and readying his cute legs for the crawling position.
My mind starts it roller coater ride first thing in the morning and I have been wishing to write down some of the things that goes on it there(that is worthwhile).
Living in the Netherlands can be quite a ride if you dont know what you are looking for. With a language barrier(getting there.. i can finally understand what people say.. well.. most of it... I think so...)life for the expats can be difficult. I hope I can fill in on what i have learnt and gained from living here these past few years.
Okay... so let the mind start its rambling and let the fingers type away.......
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