Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Family Devotions

Over the years we have been struggling to maintain a family devotional time . I would start and be dedicated to it for a few days and then Life happens and its long forgotten.

With my "One word" focus PURSUE,  by God's grace we have been able to meet together as a family in the morning everyday since we got back from India. Except for Sundays.

We have been following the reading plan "walk with Jesus:21 days through Mathew, with accompanied 1:50 minutes videos by Phil Vischer. (creator of Veggie tales and What's in the Bible)

We watch the video, read the Bible passage corresponding to that event in Mathew and discuss about it, ending with Bobby or I praying. We also ask the kids to say one thing they are grateful for, or let them pray a few lines when they wish to. We also have walked through "The Lord's Prayer" with the kids. Explaining it through a book  we have. Benjamin now knows this prayer by heart and Elijah knows a few random verses.

There are other reading plans that you can choose from, which might suit your family.

By having a family devotion time, we expect to instill important values in our children on the importance of prayer together as a family, and individually, modeling how to pray and leaning God's Word.
There are certain values we want to teach our kids, such as we go to church every Sunday irrespective of whether we "feel like it "or not. Of course if we are away or not well, then its different.  We try not to "say yes" to birthday parties or foot ball games on a Sunday morning.
You might disagree with me, but these are some family rules we try to stick to. I do know it will become more difficult to stick to, as the kids grow up. But hopefully , this is ingrained in them, so they themselves know the importance and choose not to be somewhere else at this time. So, having a quiet time every day will be natural and normal. So, even if they lose their way , they will remember and come back.
 All we can do as parents is model, pray, pray and pray.


Friday, January 24, 2014


Slinging over from Lisa Jo Baker's world of Five minute Fridays.



December in India was more than a visit. It was the wedding of the year. My baby brother got married. About the wedding is another post yet to be written. Weddings mean lots of family times. Everybody from all over come together to share in the festivities. Christmas. Wedding, New Year. Other weddings and functions that may be planned earlier or spring up in a few days notice. Weddings in India can be planned today and done the next week or so.With 1000 people attending and joining for the reception. Thats how we are. 

Visits with the extended family can go either way. Total bonding, loving times, reminiscing over the good times .... It can also be filled with drama and "she said" , "he said". The unspoken  goal for all is to keep it simple and peaceful. But the outcome can differ.

What I have learnt over this month is to be extra nice, listen without saying anything back to the older folk, joke around less or never to others. Others might lovingly call you names and make fun of you. But its different when you say something. For a person who is an extrovert, talking with restrictions and with high care can be stressful. An extrovert can either not talk at all, which is immediately noticed by all, or because of the stress of checking on every word they speak , a 100 times before it comes out, might end up with spillage of potential hurtful conversations. Staying in the middle is hardly achievable.

So, lessons for next time ?

Smile lots, nod lots , throw a few short to the point compliments, gracefully walk away from potential hazardous conversations.  And you will definitely make mistakes and definitely learn new lessons for next time. Talking to family is an art that needs to be learnt and covered with prayer. 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


New Year resolutions are words in the past. At least for me. I refuse to resolve. Because I don't . I make great goals and lists. And I am hard core about it for a few weeks. Then, the expected, I fall flat on my face and refuse to pick myself up and try.  So, I have chosen the easy way and choose not to resolve.

This year, again I was strong and did not waver to all the buzz around New Year resolutions, SMART goals, baby goals. But then I heard somewhere, to ask yourself  2 questions. I can do that, as long as I don't have to make goals and make myself a better person. 

What worked last year?
What didn't work last year ?

I had no idea. I had no idea. Did I just type that again?
I just sailed across last year, passing along. I wasn't working on achieving anything, just surviving day to day. Doing what needed to be done. Mind you, I was happy and we were blessed in many ways. But what did I achieve? Staying happy and being grateful, of course.  But just the thought of passing along, seemed a bit out of place.

I like the thought of asking God what I need to focus on this year. What do You need me to do ? How do You want me to grow? Am I approaching Your perfect plan? Warmer? Cold? It would have been great to hear back clear audible answers. You tell me and I will obey. As that slips out, I track back and think, what if He  asks me to do something difficult, takes something away? Of course, if He asks , He will provide and give me power along the way(first sermon from Bill Hybel, Willow Creek this year).Everything that I have comes from Him. I know the theory, but am I ready for the practical.
Usually, this conversation in my mind, that I type out takes a few minutes, but it is usually on slow play and drags throughout the year. And then its time to think the same thing again next year.

I think I am getting tired of just sailing. I am grateful, my family and I  have been blessed beyond and more. But......

So, here I am after stumbling on One Word 365 , and praying about it, confirming with various other things, God wants me to PURSUE.

                 MY FAMILY
                 HEALTHY LIVING
                 FOR HIM

a long list ,I know

As One Word 365 says:
Choose just one word.
One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. One word that you can focus on every day, all year long.
It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your one word will shape not only your year, but also you. It will become the compass that directs your decisions and guides your steps.
Discover the big impact one word can make.
One word. 365 days. A changed life.

A sense of "pursuing" in everything I do.Hopefully, I will, with God's help, work towards it, and try to write about it.

 PURSUE: to try to get or do (something) over a period of time
                : to be involved in (an activity)