Friday, October 9, 2015

DAY 8 : Don't panic about creating memories

Reading these 31 days of  creating memories, can cause stress and the feeling of "are we doing enough for our children" moments.  The intention is not to feel overwhelmed, stressed, not good enough at all. The intention is realise that its important and that it can be done in our own pace, strength and time. Being intentional about it is the key. 

We are great in multi tasking and I am sure like me, you too can fold laundry while doing something with your children.And thats fine when you really need to find clothes for your family to wear and they still lying on the table like a mountain that rises periodically. 

A friend and I were talking about this topic , and how we get so obsessed with other things when our children talk to us. The other Benjamin was telling me about an incident at school and how he reacted well to it and the director complemented him about the way he responded to a difficult situation. All I could think of was that "HE WASNT WEARING ANY SOCKS OR HIS SLIPPERS AT THE MOMENT"(and its autumn). Look at the height of my obsession about these silly small things. I was angry at myself for not giving him my 100% attention to him proudly talking about his actions. 

Well, I learned from my mistake and focussed on him the next time he came with something important. And I didn't even notice the milk dripping from his titled cereal bowl! Am I great or what?

Life is busy as it is and you don't want to hear someone giving you 31 ways to create moments to make  you feel guilty. You do what you can well and intentionally . These children are God's assignment to you and we have just 18 years of their life(even less now these days) to shape them, pour into them and teach them the values God wants them to have.

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