Friday, January 24, 2014


Slinging over from Lisa Jo Baker's world of Five minute Fridays.



December in India was more than a visit. It was the wedding of the year. My baby brother got married. About the wedding is another post yet to be written. Weddings mean lots of family times. Everybody from all over come together to share in the festivities. Christmas. Wedding, New Year. Other weddings and functions that may be planned earlier or spring up in a few days notice. Weddings in India can be planned today and done the next week or so.With 1000 people attending and joining for the reception. Thats how we are. 

Visits with the extended family can go either way. Total bonding, loving times, reminiscing over the good times .... It can also be filled with drama and "she said" , "he said". The unspoken  goal for all is to keep it simple and peaceful. But the outcome can differ.

What I have learnt over this month is to be extra nice, listen without saying anything back to the older folk, joke around less or never to others. Others might lovingly call you names and make fun of you. But its different when you say something. For a person who is an extrovert, talking with restrictions and with high care can be stressful. An extrovert can either not talk at all, which is immediately noticed by all, or because of the stress of checking on every word they speak , a 100 times before it comes out, might end up with spillage of potential hurtful conversations. Staying in the middle is hardly achievable.

So, lessons for next time ?

Smile lots, nod lots , throw a few short to the point compliments, gracefully walk away from potential hazardous conversations.  And you will definitely make mistakes and definitely learn new lessons for next time. Talking to family is an art that needs to be learnt and covered with prayer. 


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