Friday, March 9, 2012

Empty the jug everyday

Its that time of the week... I look forward to putting down those thoughts that fill up my mind.
I am hooking up with Lisa Jo.. She gives the word prayerfully.. we write our heart out in 5 minutes of unedited, continuos writing. Here goes....

My neighbor commented on the jug of water sitting on the table:"You should not keep water in it for too long,its going to collect dust and have that slimy thing on the insides."

Hmm... thats the conversation, that flashed through my mind as I thought on the word "empty".

By the end of the week ,I am filled with impressions,things people said, stuff I learnt, things people didn't say... you know the routine list, right? And it overwhelms me.

I have realized that I need to empty out the entire jug on a daily basis, to Him.For Him to sort out, purify and cleanse. Not to have any "slime" left behind to carry on the next day, affecting the quality of the day He gives me.

It's not as easy as it sounds. Emptying everything and throwing it out at His feet does stir up things inside. Sometimes I want to keep a little to myself to process and analyze on my own. Well, a little slime is enough to make the day sour. So I might as well surrender to every one of those things.

Thats the best part about learning from your mistakes.Somethings you just know not to repeat. You know for sure.. thats a "no repeat".

Or so I think so often.



  1. Love this one! What a wonderful reminder :) Thanks for being such a blessing by faithfully writing this column every week.

  2. Such a good analogy! Visiting from Gypsy Mama today and really connected with your post. We do need to purify and cleanse through Him each day. Enjoying your blog!


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