Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Day 19: Fridge control

Do you go through a time of throwing things out of the fridge? Wishing you had remembered that this wonderful cheese was in your fridge? Do you hate yourself for throwing out a week olds food out of the fridge on a Sunday evening?
Well, here are some tips to organize your fridge and make sure you only have food that you need for the week

1. Make a week menu and the shopping list. Buy only those items in your list.
2. Make sure you stick to the week menu, not falling into the urge of choosing to cook something else.
3.Sunday evening make sure there aren't any veggies or fruits still unused.This also applies to juice and milk cartons.

4.Defrost the fridge at least once in 6 months.
5.Clean the fridge every two weeks. Wipe outside and inside.
6. Wrap celery in Aluminum foil. It lasts longer.
7. Always try to figure out what you can cook from things in your fridge rather than buying more items to make a completely new dish.

These are some tips that I have found to be useful and has made life easier and not being prone to food wastage.

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